One of the most enjoyable things to do for the Super Bowl is to play prop bets with your friends or co-workers. These bets can range from who will win the coin flip to what offensive play scores the first touchdown of the game. We have included some fun Super Bowl prop bets that are printable for you to enjoy here. No matter how many football games you watch in a season, prop bets are the big equalizer when enjoying football with family and friends on the big day.

What kind of Prop Bets are There?

Prop bets can range from anything from who will win the coin flip to various stats throughout the game. Some popular options include what type of play each team will run first as well as for their first touchdown of the game. Some sites will even get into specifics tailored to each team’s offense and defense depending on how serious you are taking the game for your bets. Others include the total number of touchdowns that each quarterback will throw during the game or if either team will have a running back or quarterback rush for more than 100 yards during the game.

Download Your Fun Super Bowl Props Bets (Printable)

If you are looking for a fun Super Bowl Prop bets printable sheet, we have you covered. You can download our listing here in PDF format. Please feel free to share with your friends and enjoy the Super Bowl no matter what team you root for during the game.