Math Worksheets, cheat sheets, tables and charts (PDF)
Are you ready to master mathematics with our math worksheets and cheat sheets, tables and charts in PDF? When learning and mastering math, whether we’re talking about simple or complicated procedures, we know for certain that you’ll probably need to practice beforehand to solve them. That’s why we’ve created different tools that will be very useful to you whenever you need to practice, freshen up or start teaching basic math. Check them and download them below.
Math Worksheets, cheat sheets, tables, and charts (PDF)
Here at Printerfriendly, we know that math is not one of the easiest classes to surpass for kids or new learners. In fact, most people struggle when they’re starting to learn basic math; which is why we’ve created these useful math worksheets, cheat sheets, tables, and charts (in PDF). They are the ultimate tool to practice the basic math procedures; multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. They will be very useful to anyone intending to learn those vital pieces of mathematical knowledge.
Whether you want to teach your kids at home during their early developing years or if you want to practice yourself, these will hit the spot easily.
Why is math important?
As kids, most people tend to hate math, simply because it’s not a concept naturally easy to grasp. Still, this simple part of anyone’s education is vital for everyone to learn. Why? Because we all use math every day of our lives. Simple tasks and activities like keeping track of our finances, expenses, income, how to get somewhere on time, and how to save money, are activities that use mathematics and numbers. Our society has been built on top of numbers, making it vital to know how they work, and why we need them for simple and highly complicated stuff. Everything can be explained by math.
If someone doesn’t know how math and numbers work, and how we interact with them every day, we couldn’t have achieved such an advanced society like the one we have today. Furthermore, we wouldn’t be able to keep advancing. Finally, absolutely all of this starts with people knowing how to add, multiply, subtract, and divide numbers.
Tools to learn and practice mathematics
We’ve created several tools to aid you in the adventure that is learning mathematics. They are:
- Addition tables: the best add tables for your kids to learn this simple mathematic procedure.
- Subtraction tables: the most useful tables to match the addition tables. They are very useful when explaining addition as well.
- Multiplication tables: when adding is a linear activity, this is the best way of resuming your mathematical procedures. They are useful to anyone who wants to learn basic and advanced multiplication.
- Math Worksheets: Finally, when it’s time to put that knowledge in practice, math worksheets are the best tools. We’ve created several simple and advanced math worksheets for all basic procedures; addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division.
You get all of these tools in printable PDF and JPG format. Click in the links above to go to each specific page and download the tool you want completely for free. Are you ready to start learning?

Victor has worked with for over two year and has authored hundreds of articles for the site.
As a physical therapist, a professional cook, and a self described “bird-lover,” Victor is a freelancer who enjoys writing about those topics; specifically on fitness, nutrition, education, and pets. All of these interests are in addition to his true passion as a content creator primarily helping webmasters create quality, interesting and SEO-optimized content.
You can learn more or contact Victor via his full author profile.