Fractions and decimals are two ways of expressing parts of a whole, but it can be hard (especially for students) to remember how they relate to each other. In this post, we have free downloadable fraction to decimal conversion tables, both as images and PDFs.

If you need other printable conversion tables, check out our post here. We also have worksheets to practice adding and multiplying fractions.

Fractions to decimals chart #1

Our first chart is both simple and comprehensive. It just has all the fractions on the left and the decimals on the right. This chart goes to 64ths, but scroll down for charts that focus on more common fractions.

Fractions to decimals chart

To download the above image as a PDF, click here.

Fractions to decimals chart #2

Some fractions are more common (and more important to memorize) than others. In this image, we have bolded those fractions and their decimal counterparts. If you are teaching a kid to memorize these conversions, the bolded numbers are the ones to start with!

fraction to decimal conversion chart

To download the above image as a PDF, click here.

Fraction to decimal conversion chart

The charts above can be a bit overwhelming with just blocks of numbers. In this post, we have differentiated between the 64ths on the right, and the larger fractions on the left.

Fraction-decimal conversion chart

To download the above chart as a PDF, click here.

Simple fraction to decimal conversion chart

For younger kids, we suggest ignoring 32nds and 64ths as they are quite small fractions and can be confusing if you toss them into the lesson at the very beginning. They also are less common than fractions like 1/4, so it’s better to learn them later. This chart only goes to 16ths, so you can start them off with the fractions which are used most often.

simple fraction to decimal conversion

To download the above chart as a PDF, click here.

Now that nearly everyone has calculators on their phones, an easy way to convert fractions to decimals is to divide the numerator by the denominator. However, it’s still important to teach kids how to do this work manually! If you want some tips on how to convert fractions to decimals, check out this post.

To download the above chart as a PDF, click here.

Why Is Important To Have A Fraction To Decimal Conversion Table

Having a fraction-to-decimal conversion table in PDF format is important because it’s a practical and accessible tool for anyone working with numbers. It helps you quickly find decimal equivalents for fractions, saving time and effort, especially when accuracy is key. A PDF version is easy to download, print, and carry, making it convenient for use at home, in the classroom, or at work. It’s a reliable resource for tasks like math problems, measurements, or financial calculations, where converting between fractions and decimals is often needed.

To download the above chart as a PDF, click here.