Tic Tac Toe is a classic game that is easy to play! Each player chooses a symbol (traditionally X or O), and take turns marking the symbol in one of the 9 spaces in the grids as shown in these templates. The first player to get 3 in a row wins.

12 templates

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There are different strategies that make playing Tic Tac Toe slightly more interesting. The first player to go usually marks the center spot, which allows for the most options of winning, as 3 in a row can go in any direction.

Tic tac toe, 9 templates

To download the above template as a PDF, click here.

If you are the second one to go, your best bet is to put your mark in one of the corners – that allows you three ways to get 3 in a row!

12 templates

To download the above template as a PDF, click here.

The next thing to pay attention to is what the other player does. If you focus on how you will get to 3 in a row as well as trying to block the other player from doing so, you won’t lose. You might not win, but you won’t lose! If neither player gets 3 in a row, it’s a tie!

6 templates

To download the above template as a PDF, click here.

A final option that Wikihow suggests, (but we haven’t fully tested, so try at your own risk!) is the “right, left, above, below” strategy. When your opponent places their mark, you go in order of where to put your mark (If you can’t put it to the right, go to the left etc.) If you need another set of tips, they also have an article giving you three ways to win at the game.

Do you need more game templates? Check out our hangman printables. We even have a post on how to play Hangman if you need a refresher!